
TNM-8 Bonded Neodymium Permanent Magnet for Electric Motors

TNM-8 Bonded Neodymium Permanent Magnet for Electric Motors

Client of Permanent CIRCULAR MAGNET:

Our company dedicates to manufacture electric motors. Our Headquarters and one of our two plants are located in Mexico City. Found your data in the internet and are interested in getting a quotation of a rare earth neodymium permanent magnet that we require, as per our drawing, copy attached. Please quote in quantities of 1K, 5K, 10K and 20K units. Please acknowledge receipt of this request for quote.

China Neodymium Magnet Manufacturer - China Rare Earth Magnet Limited:
Well received your enquiry with many thanks. What's the magnetization direction of your neodymium permanent magnets, as picture below? Which one?

Waiting for you soon reply to forward the quotation.

Just to let you know that I received your email below but right now I'm not able to respond to you but until the return of our engineer in charge of this project, by ends of this week.

In response to your question, engineering says that the magnetization direction should be as per your first picture, through diameter. Please revert.

Client of Bonded Neodymium Permanent Magnets:
Please be advised that permanent magnet drawing was recently modified. You received the previous version. Enclosed please find a copy of the updated drawing, for quote purposes. As mentioned below, please note that the magnetization direction of bonded neodymium magnet should be through diameter and magnetized to 4-pole, 2 N and 2 S, as specified in the drawing attached.

Neodymium Magnet Manufacturer - China Rare Earth Magnet Limited:
Thank you for the email. Please find our offer as below:
Material: Bonded Neodymium Magnet
Size: D1.73"xd1.53"x1.325" Tolerance +0.004"/0
Grade: TNM-8
Coating: Black Epoxy
Magnetized; Magnetization Direction: 4 poles magnetized through diameter (as picture below)
Unit price of magnets: FCA Shanghai USD***/pc; Mould fee: USD***; Fixture fee: USD***
PS: Our magnets are all customized as each client's requirements, especially the bonded neodymium magnets. So, we have none similar magnets in stock closed to yours, sorry!

If you demand any permanent magnet (NdFeB, SmCo, AlNiCo, Ferrite, Ceramic) or magnetic assembly, magnetic tool, welcome to contact China Rare Earth Magnet Limited

2 条评论:

  1. Very Useful information...

    Thank you for sharing this information

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