
The New Design for Safer and Easier Riding – Neodymium Permanent Magnet Pedals 20161130

The New Design for Safer and Easier Riding – Neodymium Permanent Magnet Pedals 20161130
Custom Neodymium Block Magnets for Bike Pedals

Generally, the most annoying condition for the rider probably is the foot slip off the bike pedal when cycling thus to take a missed step and lose control. Fortunately, a new design on Kickstarter named Vault MagLock may solve this problem smoothly with permanent magnets in the pedal to attach the shoes.

According to the introduction, the product is made of a lightweight plastic composite. And thanks to the neodymium block magnets  in the pedal, which works combined with a stain plate in the biking shoes, it makes riding easier for various cyclists. The inventor shows that with the neodymium permanent magnet, the rider just need to step on the pedal and then the foot will just like being locked on it thus will not miss any step anymore. It is said that the idea is not new actually and can dated back to 1896; however, it has improved greatly nowadays. For example, the magnetism of the pedal can be adjusted by riders’ requirements: the green hands can use minimum force; and the experienced can turn the force to 25 or even 30lbs.
Neodymium Block Magnets

Now, the Vault MagLock is available on Kickstarter for pre-order at a price of $80 a pair. And it is predicted that the goods will be shipped out in May 2017.
Neodymium Permanent Magnet Pedals

China Rare Earth Magnet Limited can customize neodymium block permanent magnets for bike pedals, and other magnets or magnetic assembly for other applications.

Tags: neodymium magnet, neodymium block magnets, permanent magnet, magnetic pedals

1 条评论:

  1. China Rare Earth Magnet Limited manufactures permanent magnets for bike pedals like neodymium block magnets.
