
The Smallest Charger with Neodymium Magnets for iPhone 20161125

The Smallest Charger with Neodymium Magnets for iPhone 20161125
An English Research Team has developed the Smallest Charger with Neodymium Permanent Magnets in the world

Recently, an English research team Design on Impulse has developed the smallest charger in the world, named Nipper. It is actually a mini-charger that used in emergency with a 17x17mm size and a woven belt.

Usually, the permanent magnetic charger can be put into pocket or hang with the key. And when you need it, what you should do is just to open it and install two batteries. So how about the charging efficiency? After a series of experiments with a smart phone, the research team found that there will be 10% power when charging for 30 minutes, and 20% for 60 minutes, which can keep 3.6 hours in using condition or 4 days in standby mode. According the introduction, there is a Boost convertor in it to transfer the electric power of dry cell into 5V voltage for charging. And the core component of it is 3 neodymium magnets  to fix the batteries and conduct electricity, thus to omit excess parts for connecting, which is not only simplify the inner structure and the whole production process, but also save the total cost.
neodymium block magnets

It can be predicted that with the more and more advanced science and technology, there will be a great prospects of neodymium permanent magnets in the future.
Permanent Magnetic charger for iPhone

Tags: neodymium magnets, the smallest charger for iPhone, Permanent Magnet

1 条评论:

  1. China Rare Earth Magnet Limited manufactures neodymium permanent magnets used in the smallest charger for iPhone.
