
Arc Shaped Neodymium Rotor Magnets 20180320

Arc Shaped Neodymium Rotor Magnets 20180320

Inquire   Neodymium Arc Magnets    for Magnetic Rotor:
neodymium rotor magnets with arc shape

Please refer to the above photo for more information on my request for permanent magnetic rotor or arc segment magnets

Neodymium Rotor Magnets Manufacture China Rare Earth Magnet Limited:
We provide quotation of arc magnets in attachment.
If you decide to order magnets or have other questions, please come back to us.
Arc Shape, Sizes as per your drawing
N52 Neodymium  Permanent Magnet   Material
NiCuNi Coating
Magnetized through Diameter:
50% N-S
50% S-N

Tags: neodymium arc magnets, rotor magnets, permanent magnet, China magnet, magnet manufacture

1 条评论:

  1. China Rare Earth Magnet Limited manufactures neodymium arc permanent magnets for rotors.
